BeMicro - Blog

Broccoli on a wooden cutting board

Sulforaphane, glucoraphanin, and myrosinase: Br...

Maybe you’ve been considering growing broccoli in your garden! Maybe you’re considering making the switch to microgreens for more flavorful meals! Whatever the reason, you’ve made the decision that you...

Sulforaphane, glucoraphanin, and myrosinase: Br...

Maybe you’ve been considering growing broccoli in your garden! Maybe you’re considering making the switch to microgreens for more flavorful meals! Whatever the reason, you’ve made the decision that you...

microgreen seeds

Do-it-yourself growing microgreens questions an...

Growing microgreens isn't rocket science, but there are specific and methodical tips and tricks you can use to grow your own right at home! This blog focuses on the basics,...

Do-it-yourself growing microgreens questions an...

Growing microgreens isn't rocket science, but there are specific and methodical tips and tricks you can use to grow your own right at home! This blog focuses on the basics,...

Broccoli microgreens

Broccoli Sprouts Benefits Explained

Broccoli sprouts, or microgreens, are nutrition dense baby vegetables that provide immense benefits to overall health and wellness. This blog explores the many benefits of broccoli microgreen sprouts, and how to...

Broccoli Sprouts Benefits Explained

Broccoli sprouts, or microgreens, are nutrition dense baby vegetables that provide immense benefits to overall health and wellness. This blog explores the many benefits of broccoli microgreen sprouts, and how to...

Nrf2 activators: what they are, and why you should be eating them!

Nrf2 activators: what they are, and why you sho...

Nrf2 activators are antioxidant-making powerhouses. More antioxidants usually means less inflammation, less cell damage, and healthier living. So how do we get more antioxidants? Activate your Nrf2! Let’s dive a...

Nrf2 activators: what they are, and why you sho...

Nrf2 activators are antioxidant-making powerhouses. More antioxidants usually means less inflammation, less cell damage, and healthier living. So how do we get more antioxidants? Activate your Nrf2! Let’s dive a...

Broccoli microgreens

Science-Based Health Benefits of Sulforaphane

Sulforaphane has been shown to have a range of potential health benefits, like reducing weight gain, alleviating the symptoms of asthma, balancing glucose levels, and systematically alleviating cell damage. 

Science-Based Health Benefits of Sulforaphane

Sulforaphane has been shown to have a range of potential health benefits, like reducing weight gain, alleviating the symptoms of asthma, balancing glucose levels, and systematically alleviating cell damage. 

Microgreens Tea: The Organic Solution to Nutrition Deficiency

Microgreens Tea: The Organic Solution to Nutrit...

Tea is a popular drink known to boost health and wellness. By itself, green and black teas are linked to numerous health benefits. So, what is microgreens organic tea and...

Microgreens Tea: The Organic Solution to Nutrit...

Tea is a popular drink known to boost health and wellness. By itself, green and black teas are linked to numerous health benefits. So, what is microgreens organic tea and...